Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jayj HTML5 theme version 2.1

Jayj HTML5 theme version 2.1

Download Here

New features in version 2.1

  • Huge design updates – The content background is now white by default instead of semi-transparent
  • Uses the CSS preprocessor LESS
  • Switched to a Twitter Bootstrap-like responsive grid-system (see about for demo)
  • Much better responsive design
  • Uses the fonts Open Sans and Merriweather, both loaded from Google Fonts
  • Contact form script have been improved
  • Modernizr 2.6.1
  • The theme supports Google Prettify but it is not included in the download
The “About” page on the demo contains a huge list of HTML elements and their styling.
As always you are free to use this theme for any purpose – both private and commercial. The theme is licensed under the New BSD License.

LESS as preprocessor

Version 2.1 uses the CSS preprocessor LESSWhat is LESS? you might ask. Well the official website says that LESS is a “dynamic stylesheet language. LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.
In more simple terms, LESS allows you to write CSS in a smarter way by combining functions, mixins, operations and more. The README file included in the download explains a bit more about this.

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